
Actions to Control Asthma

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Whether making a shopping list or mapping a fire-exit strategy, planning can be useful. It can even be life saving.
This holds true for asthma, a chronic disease that inflames and narrows the airways and can make those affected by it feel as if they are breathing through a straw. Controlling asthma requires daily attention. Working with a healthcare provider to create an action plan for managing asthma long-term and handling symptoms, most people with asthma can avoid attacks, have few symptoms, sleep through the night, and be physically active.
If you have asthma, you and your health care provider can work together on six key actions to make your breathing easier:
* Use inhaled corticosteroids to control asthma if you have persistent asthma. Your doctor will help you choose the best treatment.
* Use a written action plan to highlight two things: 1) what to do daily to prevent attacks, and 2) how to handle symptoms or asthma attacks.
* Assess asthma severity at the initial visit to determine what treatment to start to get your asthma under control.
* Assess and monitor how well controlled your asthma is at regular visits. Your doctor may need to adjust your medicine to keep asthma under control.
* Schedule follow-up visits at periodic intervals, and at least every six months.
* Avoid or control environmental exposures such as allergens or irritants that worsen your asthma
These actions are based on guidelines for improving asthma control and care from the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) that is coordinated by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), a part of the National Institutes of Health.
“Making sure that asthma is under control is not just a daily effort, it’s a team effort,” said James P. Kiley, Ph.D., director, NHLBI’s Division of Lung Diseases. “Patients, families, health care providers, school personnel and others need to work together to help all Americans with asthma live to their fullest.”
If you have asthma but have not yet developed an asthma action plan, the NAEPP encourages you to work with your health care provider to develop one and discuss how to use it.
And don’t forget the other six actions above: You, your healthcare provider, and your family can work together as a team to control your asthma.


Overfishing Leads to Troubled Waters for Many Species

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As many seafood lovers know, buying seafood isn’t as simple as it used to be.

According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch, many marine species are either endangered or threatened, and overfishing is an escalating problem. Between overfishing, oil spills, climate change and other human activities, not a single portion of the ocean remains unaffected.

In fact, a pack of radioactive bluefin tuna recently migrated to the Pacific Ocean from Japan. The tuna, already Japan’s most expensive fish, had harmful levels of radioactive cesium, an outcome of Japan’s devastating earthquake. As a species, bluefin are also substantially overfished.

To avoid contributing to the problem of overfishing, ask chefs and seafood markets about sustainable options. For instance, request albacore tuna instead of bluefin tuna, or stick to sustainable farmed seafood like U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish. Buying American-farmed catfish, as opposed to imported varieties, guarantees freshness.

Try a twist on your classic chowder recipe by using catfish.

Classic Catfish Chowder

4 U.S. Farm-Raised Catfish Fillets, cut into bite-size pieces
6 slices thick-cut bacon
3 cups yellow onion, diced
1 1⁄2 cups celery, diced
3⁄4 cup flour
2 tablespoons Old Bay seasoning
6 cups chicken stock
2 large baking potatoes, cut into bite-size pieces, boiled and drained
1 15-ounce can whole kernel sweet corn, drained
1⁄4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
1 cup thinly sliced green onion, divided
1 cup heavy cream
1⁄2 teaspoon hot sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

1.     In large stock pot over medium high heat, cook bacon until nicely browned. Remove bacon strips and set aside. Add onion and celery to pot; cook 5 minutes.

2.     In small bowl, combine flour and Old Bay seasoning. Sprinkle flour mixture evenly over onion and celery, stirring to absorb all oil. Cook 3 more minutes.

3.     Add chicken stock; stir to combine vegetables. Add potatoes, corn, parsley and 3⁄4 cup of green onions; cook 5 minutes. Add catfish; cook 5 more minutes or until catfish is cooked through.

4.     Add cream and hot sauce. S & P to taste. Garnish with remaining green onions and diced bacon pieces. Serve with crusty bread.


On the Road to Greener Living With Eco-Friendly Water Bottles

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For decades, we have been urged to be kind to Mother Earth, leave our environment better than when we were here, to live “greener.” This has gotten easier with the arrival of recycling.

After all, who doesn’t feel good about recycling their plastic water bottle? The problem, however, is that many of these bottles don’t make it to the recycling bin and instead end up in landfills that are already overrun with too much trash.

Enter Las Vegas-based Alkame Water, a company that is combatting this problem by creating a water bottle that is designed to be biodegradable in landfills, as well as recyclable with other plastics.

And while much has been written recently on the dangers of freezing plastic water bottles, or conversely, drinking water from a plastic bottle that has been sitting in the heat (to do so is to possibly ingest cancer-causing chemicals), Alkame bottles do not require special storage, will not break down by heat, light, moisture or stress, and are BPA-free as well as 100 percent recyclable.

To accomplish what few others have been able to do, Alkame has enlisted BioSphere—a company dedicated to “giving back to society through global awareness education”—to create its bottles by using a material that is structured in such a way that once the bottle is in a landfill or composter, it degrades from within as well as on the surface. This composition is designed to speed up the biodegradation process by increasing the overall area that can decompose.

“The qualifications in order to be considered biodegradable are that the material must be scientifically proven to break down completely and return to nature in a short time frame,” BioSphere notes on its website.

No doubt, biodegradable plastics will be but one way that companies can reduce their carbon footprint, which is part of Alkame’s overall philosophy of health, for both the environment and for the individual.

Alkame’s formula includes oxygenation that improves aerobic capacity and enhances energy, antioxidants that can boost the immune system, and mild alkalinity for more effective hydration.


Smart Homes Save Time and Money

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Is it time for homeowners to start celebrating Hug-A-Roofer Day?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics just disclosed the most dangerous jobs in America. Not only did roofers come in at No. 6, but take a look at some of the occupations that didn’t even make the top 10:
* Police officers
* Firefighters
* Taxi drivers
* Security guards
“Some of the results may surprise you,” was how Bloomberg Business understatedly put it.
We’ll reveal in a second who topped the list with more than three and a half times the 36.26 fatalities, per 100,000 full-time employees, that earned roofers their high ranking. But first, here’s what those deaths should tell almost all amateurs thinking of tackling a job as big as installing a roof themselves: Don’t do it.
For those who do insist on going the DIY route, at least be sure to follow these safety tips:
* Minimize your risk of slipping. An average of six roofers die each month in the U.S. from falls, according to Professional Roofing magazine. So, never work on a wet roof, wear soft-soled boots for the best traction, and use safety equipment like a harness when working on a steeply pitched roof. And if you do fall, pray that you remembered to don a helmet to protect your head.
* The 36-inch rule. Some of those fatal falls resulted from having to lug heavy material up a ladder. Yours should extend 36 inches above the landing or roof eave to make transitioning to and from the roof more secure. And this warning from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration: “Do not stand on the three top rungs.”
* Avoid electrical hazards. Roofers also suffer fatal burns and electrocution despite having it ingrained in them that electricity can leap, or “arc,” from a wire to a ladder several feet away. Ergo, for starters, make sure your ladder is made of non-conductive wood or fiberglass.
* Six words to live by when it comes to utility knives. Those would be: Always cut away from your body.
Having second thoughts?
Unless you’re Warren Buffett (who still lives in the same modest, five-bedroom house in Dundee, Omaha, he bought for $31,500 in 1958), odds are your home is your biggest asset. So, GAF (, North America’s largest roofing manufacturer, has made it easy for you to find the most reputable, dependable and adequately insured professionals in your area by searching its website’s GAF Master Elite Contractor database.
Oh, as for the most dangerous job in America? Fisherman, with 131.52 fatalities per 100,000 full-time employees.


Homeowners Let the Sun Shine In With American-Made Solar

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For more than a decade, homeowners have embraced going green in various ways. Now, a growing number of consumers are choosing American-made solar panels for their homes—and the solar installation industry is booming.

Currently, about 13 gigawatts of solar electric capacity have been installed nationwide—enough to power more than 2 million households. Underscoring this trend is that 82 percent of people who responded to a recent solar survey said they support making solar panels on American soil.

“We’ve all heard about the importance of manufacturing to the American economy,” said Robert Fortunato, whose California home hosts 26 solar panels made by SolarWorld in Hillsboro, Oregon. “We selected our U.S.-made solar system for its quality, reliability and financial return and because we think it’s important to support American workers.”

To this end, solar installers and electricians offer a range of domestic products.

“We made a decision at PetersenDean to only source our solar products from North America. As a result, we’re supporting the American economy, supporting American workers and reinvesting those dollars back in America,” said Jim Petersen, founder of PetersenDean, a nationwide solar and roofing company.

According to industry experts, here are the top four reasons that homeowners select solar panels from American manufacturers:

•    Quality and reliability. A residential solar system is, in effect, a power plant on your rooftop that is designed to last at least 25 years. Consumers trust American solar manufacturers to stand behind their product guarantees because these companies rank high in measures of quality, responsiveness to warranty claims, accessibility for customer service and compliance with safety requirements.

•    Sustainability. For those Americans who are “greenies,” there is little logic in buying a solar system made in Asia and shipped on a diesel-burning cargo ship halfway around the world. Instead, homeowners are opting to buy select American-made solar panels, produced according to stringent environmental, labor and quality standards, to reduce environmental impact.

•    Energy independence. Solar power represents an important tool for achieving energy independence for the U.S. Just as people believe the nation should not have to rely on the Middle East for imported oil, many feel that America should not depend on foreign nations for solar technology and manufacturing.

•    American job creation. The U.S. solar manufacturing industry employs thousands of Americans across the country. Studies show that technology and manufacturing jobs, with comparatively high wages and benefits, are the types of jobs that the U.S. should aspire to create and maintain.


Prevent Water Damage And Cut Insurance Costs

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When most people are envisioning their retirement, they picture themselves doing things they love, like dancing, playing tennis, or running around the playground with their grandchildren. Unfortunately, retirement isn’t always as great as hoped. These days, too many seniors find themselves losing their independence due to the natural aging process.
According to Marketing Charts, 26 percent of seniors surveyed said that losing their independence was their biggest fear. That’s higher than the 13 percent of seniors who feared moving into a nursing home or 3 percent fearing death. Instead of seniors fearing a loss of independence, let’s look at some ways they can regain it and start making all of their retirement dreams come true.
Invest in a Power Wheelchair
Power wheelchairs provide seniors with independence and comfort beyond a traditional manual wheelchair. Seniors can stay independent thanks to joystick movement, letting them choose speed and direction they are comfortable with. Power wheelchairs also allow seniors to recline and tilt, helping them raise their legs if they need to.
Attach Bathroom Aids
Installing grab bars or safety handles on tubs and walls, along with bath and shower chairs, can help seniors regain their independence by giving them the confidence they need to safely bath themselves, even if they have a home health aide helping them.
Install a Stairlift
Seniors looking to recapture their independence, especially when they can’t make it up the stairs anymore, can install an 
Acorn Stairlift. Seniors with arthritis don’t have to worry, because it’s the only approved starlift, with the Ease-of-Use commendation by the Arthritis Foundation.
Available for straight or curved stairs, Acorn Stairlifts provides seniors with a safe and secure movement from sitting down to stepping off through its swivel seat and safety belt. With this stairlift, seniors also don’t have to worry about malfunctions with its built-in safety sensors that prevent it from running into something it shouldn’t. It also features an easy-to-read numerical display notifying seniors if it needs servicing — preventing it from malfunctioning with someone on it.


Greener Cities Crop Up, Starting in California

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It’s not easy being green these days — especially when you share space with more than 3 million people. And yet, one Southern California company is making it its business to do just that.

BP Gardens, a subsidiary of GreenGro Technologies (OTC: GNRH), an Anaheim-based eco-friendly technology company, is taking local farming in a crowded urban environment to a whole new level by designing vertical gardens. Its hope, says CEO James Haas, is to provide communities, restaurants, and grocers with locally grown, pesticide-free fruits and vegetables.

BP Gardens began as a seed of an idea from Haas, who says, the thought was to use as little water and energy as possible, while still yielding fresh produce and herbs for customers.

According to Haas, there will be two separate locations and growing methods. BP Gardens Buena Park currently sits on 4.5 acres in Anaheim, California, and features a 50,000-seat full hydroponic grow system, while its sister company, BP Lincoln Gardens in northern California, employs zero-waste, 80 percent water-saving aquaponics solution with a 40,000-seat capacity.

“With California consistently facing severe droughts, these systems will help change the way we grow [food], modernizing its processes to become more sustainable for the future,” says Haas.

The Buena Park location has currently completed its construction and has planted its first crops, which is ideal for leafy greens, while Lincoln is in the process of installing floating race-ways and introducing fish in preparation for its first crops.

This location will focus on the growth of heavy greens and Sacramento Perch for its customer base. Between the two locations, Haas said he anticipates growing 45,000 heads of lettuce a month.

In addition to finding a way to combine technology and food production, while reducing the company’s own carbon footprint, Haas has also stumbled on a niche market in the medical marijuana industry. While GreenGro does not participate in the sale of medical marijuana, Haas said GreenGro’s equipment and advanced hydroponic systems benefit that industry as well.

Although Haas estimates that about 60 percent of his customers buy his gardening equipment to grow medical marijuana, he says he remains focused on his BP Gardens projects, and isn’t content to stop with the California market, but believes he can take his idea worldwide.

“BP Gardens want to go big,” says Haas. “We want to be the source for food and not have to have it travel, and save the Earth.”


Welcome to El Salvador: We’ve Been Expecting You

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When travelers think of El Salvador, it is not often that visions of pristine beaches, luxury hotels or centuries-old cobble stone streets would be top of mind. But this small, yet beautiful country in Central America (roughly the size of Massachusetts) has done much to reinvent itself and is positioned to be the next trendy hot spot for travel.Renowned for its Pacific Ocean beaches, surfing, lush landscapes and unspoiled natural habitats, El Salvador is an eco-traveler’s paradise that is also known as the Land of Volcanoes with 25 active volcanoes, which, with their beautiful mountain ridges, are eye-catching as they rise stark and majestic against the background of blue skies. Looking out from high above while standing on one of the many natural overlooks within the ridges, visitors can see monster waves crashing against soft, black sand beaches, which are a haven for surf enthusiasts.If the warm waters are not your style, there are plenty of additional attractions to visit, from memorials and museums that pay homage to the country’s roots to other natural beauties, including a collection of archaeological sites and vast amounts of coffee plantations.For those looking to explore this fascinating, up-and-coming travel destination, the tourism board has created a variety of routes to help plan your next adventure:* Hang ten. El Salvador has ideal surfing conditions along the shores of its southern beaches. At these surfing spots, travelers can find schools with bilingual instructors and shops to rent surfboards. La Libertad is one of the most popular areas with Punta Roca anchoring the surf scene. With waves that are appealing to all levels from beginner to professional, combined with consistently warm waters averaging 80 degrees year-round, it is no wonder why the country hosts numerous competitions.* Delve into history. Day trippers can wander through colonial cities and explore grand, historic structures such as the cathedral and national theater off the square at Santa Ana, or take a quiet stroll past pastel-colored houses, such as those found in the mountain town of Suchitoto.* Dig in. For those looking to dig into the country’s heritage (literally and figuratively), guides arrange tours to top archaeological sites of the Mayan world such as Joya De Ceren, which includes museums and trails and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993.* Take a plantation tour. If your love of coffee knows no bounds, then you have come to the right country. Visitors who want to experience El Salvador’s coffee culture can learn about the process from plant to cup — the proper methods of growing coffee beans, harvesting, sorting, drying, roasting and the delicate process the fruit (that is right, a coffee bean is considered a fruit) goes through before it can be brewed into the iconic beverage that helps kick-start your morning.* Channel your inner artist. Visit small towns dedicated to the craftsmanship of objects made from wood, clay, natural fibers and recycled materials. Historically, indigo ruled the area and was the key driver of the economy before a synthetic component was created. Today, visitors can still learn the original, organic way indigo was used to create vibrant apparel and try their hand at creating a perfect garment.Whether you are looking for an active vacation or relaxing beach getaway, El Salvador has the ideal blend of attractions.